By Chazlance Moore '26, Columbus Academy
The theory of music is a beautiful concept that has changed the lives of many people across the world. Around 66% of people in the U.S. alone have learned to play an instrument in their life. People enjoy music because it releases dopamine in their bodies and creates gratification for the listener. Individuals often find enjoyment in music, but most of the time they do not realize all of the benefits that listening to music has on their health- not only physically but on a mental level as well. Studies conducted have discovered that music has many proven benefits in your life. It was discovered that music boosts confidence as well as assists with anxiety. Music can sharpen the confident state of mind and can make you happier, in a more confident being. Music also can help to relax. There is a lot of music released that improves the mood of the listener and relaxes the mind and body correspondingly. Music can also improve focus on a set task, whether it be for work or school, it can help you to sharpen your focus and be more productive. Music is a great way to express emotions and feelings. Without having to be verbal, you can express complex feelings that you maybe aren’t comfortable conversing about. Music is also able to express negative emotions when we are angry or frustrated. Listening to music that matches your mood can be therapeutic, especially when you are dealing with anxiety, stress, or anger. Many people have found music to be a perfect source to deal with depression and other disorders. Whether it be Beethoven or Hard Metal, music can have many beneficial impactson your health.
Cherry, Kendra. “How Listening to Music Can have Psychological Benefits” verywellmind, 29, August 2022. Medically Reviewed by Daniel B. Block, MD.